Celsius, one of the first cryptocurrency lending companies. It has announced that it will be closing its doors after their platform was hacked in January and significant funds were stolen. Although the company has not disclosed how much was stolen. Celsius did say that the loss exceeded both their reserves and the amount covered by their insurance policy. Crypto Clients are devastated by this news, as they are now faced with investments lost forever and no recourse to help them get their money back. As cryptocurrency continues to grow in popularity and value, consumers should take note of these unfortunate events and proceed with caution when choosing how to store their cryptocurrency.
What happened?
On Thursday, crypto lender Celsius Network suffered a system-wide crash that left clients locked out of their accounts and unable to access their funds. Many of these clients are now pleading with the company for refund, as they are unable to access it themselves. This crash comes at a time when the crypto market is already struggling, with prices crashing today across the board. This is sure to add more fuel to the fire for those who are skeptical of cryptocurrencies.
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Why did it happen?
Many are wondering why the crypto crash today happened. While the reason is still unknown, some speculate that it was due to the high demands of big corporates and the recent increase in interest rates. Whatever the reason, crypto clients who have lent money through Celsius are pleading for their funds back. Unfortunately, with the company in such a state, it is unlikely they will be able to get the refund any time soon. They are also not alone; there are many other crypto lenders who have been affected by this disaster as well. The average crypto client is asking themselves how this could happen when crypto lending seemed like such a good idea at first glance. For now, all we can do is hope for the best and wait until Celsius can find a way to pull themselves out of this predicament.
Are there other crypto companies out there like this?
In the wake of crypto lender Celsius’ crash, many of the company’s clients are pleading for the refund. This begs the question: are there other crypto companies out there that are in a similar situation? While we don’t know for sure, it’s certainly possible. After all, the crypto market is notoriously volatile. So, if you’re thinking about investing in crypto, be sure to do your research and only invest what you can afford to lose. And if you’re interested in working with crypto lenders like Celsius, please make sure they have a plan in place to ensure that their clients get their money back should something go wrong.
Will everyone receive their money back from them?
The crypto crash today has left many people scrambling. For those who had money invested in the crypto lender Celsius, they are pleading for their funds back. The company has been non-responsive and people are getting worried. Some have even taken to social media to beg for their cash back. It’s a scary time for those involved and it’s unclear what will happen next. For now, all we can do is wait and see. Hopefully everyone gets their money back soon.
How does it affect our lives?
The recent crypto crash has left many people scrambling. Crypto clients who had lent money to the now-defunct crypto lender Celsius are pleading for their money back. Some people have lost a lot of money in the crash, and they are desperate to get it back. The situation is dire for many people, and it is unclear what will happen next. What if the coins never come back up? What if their investments evaporate before anyone can recover? Who is liable when you don’t own your private keys? No one knows for sure. But we all need to be aware that this could be more than just a hiccup. It could be an irreversible trend that wipes out millions of people’s savings overnight. Crypto lending with companies like Celsius was supposed to protect our assets, but after this incident, it seems more like an attack on our wallets.