Best Natural Home Remedies For Hair Growth

Having a lusty set of locks is an important component of an attractive face. Hair loss affects both men and women. While genetics plays a role, there are other factors, including hormonal imbalances, an underactive thyroid gland, nutrient deficiencies and insufficient scalp circulation. Maybe you want your hair to look fuller and more vibrant, or you are just trying to rejuvenate it after a period of neglect. In this article, numerous home remedies will be mentioned that will help you encourage natural hair growth.



Aloe Vera

It can work wonders if used sensible. Aloe vera is a natural remedy to bring hair fall under control. It provides essential moisture and nutrients to your scalp thus, boosting hair growth. Apply aloe vera gel directly to scalp and let it stay for one hour. Then shampoo your hair to rinse it out. Regular use of this will definitely reduce hair fall.

Onion Juice

Yes it is true onion juice can be used to treat hair fall and hair loss issue. In fact many hair tonics for hair fall make a use of onion juice and it is clinically proven to work for hair loss. It kind of works as a stimulant in promoting new hair, increases blood circulation and is also an antiseptic and keep scalp cleansed.

Blend 1 large onion and filter it to get the juice out of it. Apply the juice all over the scalp and keep it for an hour. Onion has a very strong, pungent odor so if you can bear with it good else mix some rose water in it. Wash off after an hour with an herbal or organic shampoo which is sodium lauryl sulphate free. This pack can be used twice a week depending upon the severity of hair fall. It may take couple of weeks or month to show prominent result.

Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the easiest and simplest natural hair growth remedies that you can find in your kitchen is the apple cider vinegar. Who would have thought that this cooking ingredient can help you grow your hair quickly? This vinegar is extracted from seedless apples and does not undergo distillation.

Because of this, the important mineral and enzymes that can help you grow your hair are not lost. You should apply a cup of apple cider vinegar mixed with 1 ½cups of water on your scalp to remove bacteria and dead skin cells that block the pores where hair grows. You can do this in the shower, before you apply your regular shampoo and conditioner. Use the mixture like a shampoo, massaging your scalp for a couple of minutes and rinsing off the mixture from your hair.


Unhealthy, weak and limp hair is a sign of poor diet. If your body isn’t getting enough nutrition, neither is your hair. How you treat your body has an effect on your hair and skin. Remember to include fresh fruits, vegetables and protein in your diet. Drink loads of water. If there is a need, multivitamins are also a great way to get all the necessary vitamins that your body require.



Oil Massage

Massaging your scalp for a few minutes daily is very important as it improves the blood circulation and makes your roots healthy. Good circulation in the scalp keeps hair follicles active. Use warm oil to massage your hair and scalp. Always massage your scalp in circular motion. It is best to use either coconut or jojoba oil. Use rosemary oil to combat dandruff. Circulation may be improved through massage by using a few drops of lavender or bay essential oil in an almond or sesame oil base. After the massage, wrap your hair in a warm towel for a few minutes to provide extra conditioning to your hair.


Coriander Juice

It helps in promoting new hair growth and combat hair fall. It has lots of essential vitamins and proteins which help in hair growth. Take fresh coriander leaves and make a paste out it using few drops of water and extract it’s juice. Apply this all over your scalp for an hour before shampooing. Use this pack twice a week or alternatively with other packs to gain more benefits. It may take 2-3 weeks or month to show effect.


Olive Oil

It has been used by ancient people in Greece as skin moisturizer. They bath in olive oil to have smooth and supple skin. You can also use this for faster hair growth. Apply olive oil on your hair and scalp and massage for a few minutes. You should do this before going to sleep. Cover your head with a shower cap. Upon waking up, remove the shower cup and rinse your hair to remove smell and traces of olive oil. You will notice how silky and shiny your hair becomes after doing this procedure.



Apply warm green tea (two bags brewed in one cup of water) on your scalp and leave this mixture on for an hour and then rinse. Green tea contains antioxidants which prevent hair loss and boost hair growth.

Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

Amla has always been an age-old herbal remedy for so many hair problems. From preventing grey hair to promoting hair growth, it does it all. Include one amla daily in your diet. Eat it on an empty stomach to get phenomenal results.


Fenugreek Seed Powder & Yogurt

Very good remedy for hair loss, dandruff and hair fall. Fenugreek seeds contain protein and nicotinic acid which are important for healthy hair growth. If you have an oily scalp avoid yogurt use water or aloe vera juice instead to make a paste. Yogurt nourishes and conditions dry, itchy scalp.
Take 1 teaspoon of fenugreek powder and mix it with 2-3 teaspoons of yogurt (depending on the length of hair). The mentioned quantity would be enough for medium length hair. Apply this pack evenly over scalp and cover your entire hair it would deep condition. Keep it for 1 hour and cover it with a shower cap to prevent it from drying. Wash it off after an hour with a mild herbal or organic shampoo.


Flaxseed Oil

It is one of the natural hair growth remedies to stimulate faster hair growth. Sometimes, hair does not grow because there is a problem in the circulation in your scalp. To treat this problem, you should apply flaxseed oil on your scalp and massage it on your scalp for 3 minutes or so. Leave it for 30 minutes to let your scalp absorb the flaxseed oil. Rinse and wash your hair afterwards.


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